IT Student Consultant Gains Hands-On Experience with Google Workspace Transition

Zidane Tshibumba is an Information Technology student consultant at Jackson College.
He is always ready to help other students with their tech troubles. Whether it’s a quick password reset or troubleshooting computer issues, Zidane is happy to help.
Jackson College has been transitioning services to Google. Zidane has played a role in this project. As one of the student consultants he has done the backend research.
“Researching the different opportunities that Google provides. All the Workspace, how to navigate Google Drive, how to work your Gmail, Sheets and all of that stuff,” he said.
The hands-on experience for Zidane has been invaluable.
“I think it’s a very great opportunity for me as a student to do these kinds of things because it will help me out in the long run as well,” he said.
He came to Jackson College because of its various opportunities.
“My sister is an international student and when she decided to come to the United States and study here, this was the first school that she got accepted into and I decided to follow her,” he said.
He chose to study cybersecurity which wasn’t his initial pick. After experimenting with different courses, he discovered his passion.
“The first ever class I took was about computers and somehow I really felt comfortable with working with computers and the fluidity of learning how to work with computers and it was very intriguing,” Zidane said. “Doing networking stuff kind of made me want to pursue it.”
Zidane plans on graduating in Spring 2025 and following that hopes to be working in networking or computer support.